Archive for ‘ambitious plans’


Coronavirus: Can China test all of Wuhan in only 10 days?

A medical worker takes a swab sample from a woman to be tested for the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, in Chinas central Hubei province on May 13, 2020.Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption Testing everyone in 10 days would be a huge challenge

China is drawing up ambitious plans to test the entire population of Wuhan, the city where the Covid-19 pandemic began.

The announcement came after the emergence of six new coronavirus cases in the city – the first ones since early April.

The authorities had originally promised to test all 11 million people in 10 days.

But it now appears they might be aiming for a less ambitious timetable.

How long will the testing take?

In late April, the Hubei provincial government reported 63,000 people were being tested in Wuhan every day.

And by 10 May, that figure had dropped to just under 40,000.

There are more than 60 testing centres across the city, according to the official Hubei Daily newspaper.

These have a maximum capacity of 100,000 tests a day at most, making it hard to see how a target of testing the entire population in just 10 days could be met.

So the authorities have indicated the tests will not all start and finish within the same 10-day period.

“Some districts [in the city] will start from 12 May, others from 17 May, for example,” the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control said.

“Each district finishes its tests within 10 days from the date it started.”

And according to a Reuters report on 13 May, preparations for carrying out tests had begun in two out of the city’s 13 districts.

What proportion have been tested already?

The authorities say they have now tested more than three million people in the city.

Wuhan University pathogen biology department deputy director Yang Zhanqiu told the Global Times newspaper he believed up to five million Wuhan residents may have already been tested.

The population of the city – originally 11 million – has also fluctuated over time.

The authorities said up to five million people had left the city for the lunar New Year holiday before it was locked down on 23 January.

The lockdown then lasted until 8 April, but it is unclear how many of these residents have now returned.

Should everyone be tested?

Wuhan University’s Yang Zhanqiu said there was no need to test everyone living in neighbourhoods with no reported cases.

A mother holds his son next to Yangtze River in Wuhan, in Chinas central Hubei province on May 12, 2020. -Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption There are worries about asymptomatic coronavirus cases

The authorities have said they will begin with people considered most at risk – for example in the older, more densely populated areas, as well as those in key jobs such as healthcare.

Also, people who have been tested in the previous seven days will not need to be tested again.

But Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention chief epidemiologist Wu Zunyou told state TV: “The virus could take longer to manifest itself in patients with weak immunity and these people are also prone to ‘on’ and ‘off’ symptoms.”

Banner image reading 'more about coronavirus'

Yang Zhanqiu adds: “You’ll never know if people were infected after testing negative.”

And US-based Council for Foreign Affairs senior fellow for global health Yanzhong Huang said: “There would still be the possibility of isolated outbreaks in the future, which even large-scale testing will not address.”

Source: The BBC


China relocates villagers living in 800m-high cliffs in anti-poverty drive

People climb on the newly-built metal ladder with hand railings to Ahtuler village on a cliff on November 11, 2016Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption The village made headlines after photos showed people scaling ladders to get home

They used to call an 800m-high cliff home, but dozens of villagers in China’s Sichuan province have now been relocated to an urban housing estate.

Atulie’er village became famous after photos emerged showing adults and children precariously scaling the cliff using just rattan ladders.

Around 84 households have now been moved into newly built flats as part of a local poverty alleviation campaign.

It’s part of a bigger national campaign to end poverty by the end of 2020.

‘So happy I got a house’

Atulie-er village made headlines in 2016 when it was revealed that its villagers had to scale precarious ladders to get home, carrying babies and anything the village needed.

Soon afterwards the government stepped in and replaced these with steel ladders.

The households have now been moved to the county town of Zhaojue, around 70km away.

They will be rehoused in furnished apartment blocks, which come in models of 50, 75 and 100 sq m – depending on the number of people in each household.

It’ll be a big change for many of these villagers, who are from the Yi minority and have lived in Atulie-er for generations.

Photos on Chinese state media showed villagers beaming, one of them telling state media outlet CGTN that he was “so happy that I got a good house today”.

‘Big financial burden’

According to Mark Wang, a human geography professor at the University of Melbourne, such housing schemes are often heavily subsidised by the government, typically up to 70%. However, in some instances families have been unable to afford the apartments despite the subsidies.

“For some really poor villages, the 30% may still be difficult for them to pay, so they end up having to borrow money – [ironically] causing them even more debt,” he told BBC News.

“For the poorest, it’s a big financial burden and so in some instances, they might have to stay.”

According to Chinese state media outlet China Daily, each person will have to pay 2,500 yuan ($352; £288) for this particular move – so for a family of four, the cost would come up to 10,000 yuan.

Villagers Living On Cliff Shop Online In LiangshanImage copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption This is the journey the villagers had to make to get home

This is quite a low price, says Mr Wang, as he had heard of people having to pay up to 40,000 yuan for other relocation projects.

Mr Wang says in most poverty resettlement campaigns, villagers are given a choice whether or not to move, and are not usually moved into cities from the countryside.

“In most instances it’s a move to a county town or a suburb. So it’s not like they’re moving to a big city. Not everyone wants an urban life and most of those who do would have already left these villages and moved to the big cities,” he says.

“Usually the government [puts a limit] on the resettlement distance. This is in most people’s favour because it means they can keep their farm land, so that’s very attractive.”

The Atulie’er villagers will share this new apartment complex with impoverished residents across Sichuan province.

The new apartment blocksImage copyright CGTN/YOUTUBE
Image caption The villagers will be living in these apartment buildings

Around 30 households will remain in the Atulie’er village- which is set to turn into a tourism spot.

According to Chinese state media outlet China Daily, these households will effectively be in charge of local tourism, running inns and showing tourists around.

The county government has ambitious plans – planning to install a cable car to transport tourists to the village and to develop some surrounding areas. An earlier report said there were plans to turn the village into a vacation resort, with state media saying the state would pump 630 million yuan into investment.

Though these developments are likely to bring more jobs to the area, it’s not clear what safeguards are in place to make sure that the site’s ecological areas are protected and not at risk of being overdeveloped.

Media caption Do people in China’s rural communities think poverty reduction can work?

Chinese President Xi Jinping has declared that China will eradicate poverty in China by 2020.

There’s no one standard definition of poverty across all of China, as it differs from province to province.

One widely quoted national standard is 2,300 yuan ($331; £253) net income a year. Under that standard, there were around 30 million people living in poverty across the whole of China in 2017.

But the 2020 deadline is approaching fast – and Mr Wang says the plan could be derailed by the virus outbreak.

“Even without Covid-19 it would be hard to meet this deadline and now realistically, it has made it even more difficult.”

Source: The BBC

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