Archive for ‘Ctrip’s app’


China’s scenic spots join garbage pickup campaign to mark World Cleanup Day

BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) — A total of 73 popular domestic scenic spots have joined a campaign to collect garbage as China marked the World Cleanup Day Saturday.

Stalls will be set up in these scenic spots to encourage tourists to pick up garbage, take them away and sort them.

Spearheaded by China’s largest online travel agency Ctrip and charity program Pickup China, the campaign will last through the National Day holiday and is expected to attract about 1 million travelers and reduce 1,000 tonnes of tourism-related waste.

A mobile game was also launched on Ctrip’s app to raise awareness of trash collection and sorting among its users.

Sustainability will contribute to improved travel experiences and the sector’s development, said Fang Hongfeng, general manager of the activities business unit at Ctrip, adding that they are willing to seek broader cooperation with scenic areas in this field.

The World Cleanup Day, which falls on Sept. 21 each year, is a global social action program designed to address the global solid waste problem.

Source: Xinhua

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