Archive for ‘“enormous evidence”’


Trump says coronavirus worse ‘attack’ than Pearl Harbor

US President Donald Trump has described the coronavirus pandemic as the “worst attack” ever on the United States, pointing the finger at China.

Mr Trump said the outbreak had hit the US harder than the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in World War Two, or the 9/11 attacks two decades ago.

His administration is weighing punitive actions against China over its early handling of the global emergency.

Beijing says the US wants to distract from its own response to the pandemic.

Since emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December, the coronavirus is confirmed to have infected 1.2 million Americans, killing more than 73,000.

What did President Trump say?

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office of the White House on Wednesday, Mr Trump said: “We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country, this is worst attack we’ve ever had.

“This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this.

“And it should have never happened. Could’ve been stopped at the source. Could’ve been stopped in China. It should’ve been stopped right at the source. And it wasn’t.”

Media caption Life for asylum seekers in lockdown on the US-Mexico border

Asked later by a reporter if he saw the pandemic as an actual act of war, Mr Trump indicated the outbreak was America’s foe, rather than China.

“I view the invisible enemy [coronavirus] as a war,” he said. “I don’t like how it got here, because it could have been stopped, but no, I view the invisible enemy like a war.”

Media caption US shopping centres re-open: ‘This is the best day ever’

Who else in Trump’s team is criticising China?

The deepening rift between Washington and Beijing was further underscored on Wednesday as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo renewed his rhetoric against China, accusing it of covering up the outbreak.

He stuck by his so far unsubstantiated charge that there is “enormous evidence” the coronavirus hatched in a Chinese laboratory, even while acknowledging there is still uncertainty about its origins.

“Those statements are both true,” America’s top diplomat told the BBC. “We don’t have certainty and there is significant evidence that it came from a lab.”

Chinese state media accused him of lying.

One of the most trusted US public health experts has said the best evidence indicates the virus was not made in a lab.

Dr Anthony Fauci, a member of Mr Trump’s coronavirus task force, said on Monday the illness appeared to have “evolved in nature and then jumped species”.

Why is the US blaming China?

President Trump faces a tough re-election campaign in November, but the once humming US economy – which had been his main selling point – is currently in a coronavirus-induced coma.

A Pew opinion survey last month found that two-thirds of Americans, a historic high, view China unfavourably. But roughly the same margin of poll respondents said they believed Mr Trump acted too slowly to contain the pandemic.

As Mr Trump found his management of the crisis under scrutiny, he began labelling the outbreak “the China virus”, but dropped that term last month days before speaking by phone with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Both Mr Trump and his likely Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, appear to be fastening on to China’s unpopularity as an election issue, with each accusing the other of being a patsy for America’s primary economic competitor.

As the coronavirus began spreading in the US back in January, Mr Trump signed phase one of a trade deal with China that called a truce in their tariff war. The US president’s hopes of sealing a more comprehensive phase two deal are now in limbo because of the pandemic.

graph showing deaths and cases in the US

Source: The BBC


Coronavirus: Chinese state media take aim at US ‘lab theory’

The P4 laboratory (centre) in Wuhan is among a handful of around the world cleared to handle Class 4 pathogens (P4) - dangerous viruses that pose a high risk of person-to-person transmissionImage copyright AFP / GETTY
Image caption The P4 laboratory (centre) in Wuhan is among a handful around the world cleared to handle viruses that pose a high risk of person-to-person transmission

Chinese state media has accused US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of lying, after he said there was “enormous evidence” the coronavirus emanated from a laboratory in Wuhan.

Mr Pompeo made the claim on Sunday, without going into specifics.

In an editorial on Tuesday, the hawkish Global Times newspaper said Mr Pompeo was “degenerate”.

The World Health Organization says the US claims are “speculative”, and that it has seen no “specific evidence”.

What did Chinese media say?

Editorials in Chinese state media often given an insight into the direction of government thinking, but there has been no official response to Mr Pompeo’s comments as yet.

On Monday, the Global Times accused Mr Pompeo of “absurd theories and twisted facts”, and on Tuesday the attack continued.

“Pompeo aims to kill two birds with one stone by spewing falsehoods,” it said.

“First, he hopes to help Trump win re-election this November…second, Pompeo hates socialist China and, in particular, cannot accept China’s rise.”

Media caption “The Chinese Communist Party has refused to co-operate with world health experts” – Mike Pompeo

The editorial admitted there were “initial problems” in China’s response to the outbreak, but claimed “the overall performance is bright enough to outweigh the flaws”.

It also said it was “conceivable that the virus first contacted humans in other places [than Wuhan]”.

The Global Times is not the only Chinese outlet to take aim at Mr Pompeo and the US.

The People’s Daily said Mr Pompeo had “no evidence”, while a piece on the CCTV site accused US politicians of “nefarious plotting”.

What did Mike Pompeo say?

In an interview with ABC on Sunday, Mr Pompeo said there was “enormous evidence” that the virus had emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“Remember, China has a history of infecting the world, and they have a history of running sub-standard laboratories,” he said.

Mr Pompeo – a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – said he did not think the virus was man-made or genetically modified.

The Wuhan laboratory is known to study coronaviruses in bats. In April, President Trump was asked whether “lax safety protocols” allowed such a virus to escape via an intern and her boyfriend.

Mr Trump did not confirm the theory, but said: “More and more we’re hearing the story.”

Media caption Donald Trump was recently asked if the virus emanated in a laboratory, rather than a market

Last week, he was asked if he had seen evidence that gave him a “high degree of confidence” that the virus emerged in the Wuhan laboratory.

“Yes I have,” he replied – but said he could not go into specifics.

Last month, the Washington Post reported that US officials visited the laboratory in January 2018, and reported back their safety concerns.

What do the experts say?

On Monday, World Health Organization emergencies director Michael Ryan said it had received “no data or specific evidence” from the US about the virus origins.

“So from our perspective, this remains speculative,” he said.

Last week, the US intelligence community said it “concurred” that the virus “was not man-made or genetically modified”.

But it said it would “continue to examine” whether the outbreak began via “contract with infected animals, or if it was the result of an an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan”.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Tuesday that the most likely source of the virus was a wildlife market. However he said he would not rule out the theory that it originated in a lab.

“What’s really important is that we have a proper review, an independent review which looks into the sources of these things in a transparent way so we can learn the lessons,” he told reporters.

Meanwhile, Western “intelligence sources” have told several news outlets there is “no evidence” to suggest the virus leaked from a laboratory.

Source: The BBC

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