Archive for ‘novel coronavirus epidemic’


Number of China-Europe freight trains hits monthly record

BEIJING, May 2 (Xinhua) — The number of China-Europe freight trains hit a record monthly high of 979 in April, up 46 percent year on year, the China State Railway Group said Saturday.

A total of 88,000 TEUs (20-foot equivalent units) of cargo were transported by the trains, up 50 percent from a year earlier.

From January to April, a total of 2,920 China-Europe freight trains transported cargo of 262,000 TEUs, up 24 percent and 27 percent from a year earlier, respectively.

The number of departing trains rose 36 percent year on year to 1,638 during the first four months, while the number of returning trains climbed 11 percent to 1,282.

China-Europe cargo train services have become an important logistics channel to ensure smooth trade as air, sea and road transportation have been severely affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic, the company said.

The freight trains have also been playing a crucial role in helping with the fight against the pandemic in Europe as massive quantities of medical supplies were sent by them.

From March 21 to the end of April, anti-epidemic supplies totaling 660,000 items and weighing 3,142 tonnes were sent by the freight trains to European countries such as Italy, Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic.

Source: Xinhua


China Focus: China-Europe freight trains help stabilize global supply chain

SHENYANG, April 23 (Xinhua) — With trucks standing bumper to bumper and large cranes loading containers on the train, work returned to normal at a logistics base in northeast China’s Liaoning Province.

The base, where the China-Europe freight trains are set to depart in Shenyang, the provincial capital, has seen stable departures since early April as the novel coronavirus epidemic ebbs away.

With the global supply chain being affected by restrictions in air, land, and port travel due to the global pandemic, China-Europe railway has been playing a more important role, experts say.

“The train was operated by staff in different sections, which means it does not require cross-border personnel health inspections, giving it advantages during the pandemic,” said Shan Jing, an industry insider who wrote a book on China-Europe freight trains.

In March, a total of 809 China-Europe freight trains carrying 73,000 containers were sent across China. Both numbers hit a monthly record.

At the Shenyang logistics base, trains depart to travel through Russia, Belarus, Poland and finally reach Germany in around 18 days. As of April 13, a total of 130 trains carrying 11,200 standard containers had departed from the base.

“The province sends a stable number of five trains each week,” said He Ruofan, a business manager with the Shenyang branch of China Railway Container Transport Corp., Ltd, operator of the trains.

The stable operation has made the route a top choice for many Chinese enterprises, said Yao Xiang, a manager with logistics group Sinotrans’s northeast company.

“Many shipping routes have been canceled, and the rest are more and more expensive amid the epidemic,” said Yao, noting the price for air cargo surged 5 to 10 times the normal price as flights decreased from China to Europe.

With increasing departing trains, returning trains on the route have also been increasing, Yao said.

Among the 130 trains that have been sent from the Shenyang base so far this year, 33 returned, carrying construction materials, car parts, mechanical equipment, and daily products.

“These goods provide supplies to large companies like BMW and Michelin’s Shenyang factories,” Yao said.

Medical supplies have also been sent to hard-hit Europe to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

As of April 18, a total of 448,000 pieces of medical supplies weighing 1,440 tonnes had been sent to European countries via the route, according to China State Railway Group Company, Ltd.

“China-Europe freight trains have shown great service capabilities during the epidemic,” said Shan, the industry insider. “It serves as a new choice for European enterprises, and I believe more people will come to realize the importance of the route.”

Source: Xinhua


China resumes major water conservancy projects

BEIJING, April 20 (Xinhua) — China has resumed construction of major water conservancy projects amid its further containment of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic.

Construction has resumed so far on 143 of the 172 major water conservancy projects, with the scale of investment under construction reaching over 1 trillion yuan (around 141 billion U.S. dollars), according to the Ministry of Water Resources.

The ministry said 30 conservancy projects have completed construction and produced benefits.

As the situation of epidemic control and prevention continues to improve, China is speeding up construction on major infrastructure projects to mitigate the economic impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Construction has resumed on about 85 percent of the housing and urban infrastructure projects in China as of April 1, with about 158,700 housing and urban infrastructure projects across the country cranking up work, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

Source: Xinhua


China ready to help Britain in COVID-19 fight: Chinese FM

BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) — Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday that the Chinese side is willing to join hands with the British side as the country is in a tough fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Wang made the remarks during his telephone conversation with British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

He said that the epidemic is breaking out in many parts of the world, and the number of confirmed cases in European countries such as Britain is increasing, for which China expresses sincere sympathies with the British side and believes that the British people can come together and ultimately overcome the epidemic.

“When the Chinese people are facing the severe challenges of the epidemic, the British side has extended a helping hand, which we will remember in our hearts,” said Wang, adding that at this difficult time when Britain is fighting the epidemic, China is also ready to join hands with Britain.

China still faces an arduous epidemic prevention and control task, but it will manage to provide a batch of medical supplies to the British side and help facilitate the purchasing through commercial means, he said.

He also said that the top priority for China’s epidemic prevention and control is to avoid a rebound, adding that China is willing to carry out joint prevention and control with Britain, and hopes Britain can strengthen border control, maintain the essential cross-border flow between the two countries, and prevent cross-infection to the greatest extent.

Wang said that the Chinese side has been sharing epidemic-related information and carrying out anti-epidemic cooperation with the international community in an open, transparent and responsible manner since the beginning of its fight against the outbreak, adding that the country is currently providing various forms of support to nearly 100 countries in need.

What is alarming is that some people are trying to politicize the epidemic, label the virus and stigmatize China, Wang noted, adding that such detrimental acts will undermine the solidarity and cooperation of the international community and hinder the joint efforts of all parties to combat the epidemic.

Wang said he believes that all countries, including Britain, will uphold an objective and fair attitude and resist this narrow-minded approach.

Noting that many overseas Chinese, including Chinese students, work, study and live in Britain, Wang called them bridges of friendship between the two countries.

It is hoped that the British side will attach great importance to and protect their health and safety, and provide timely and necessary medical care, he added.

Raab spoke highly of China’s notable achievements in fighting the epidemic, and thanked China for its sympathies with Britain, and for providing medical supplies and facilitating procurement.

Noting that the British side attaches great importance to China’s experience in the COVID-19 fight, Raab said his country stands ready to strengthen coordination with China and other countries in epidemic prevention and control, vaccine research and development, and in assisting countries with fragile medical systems, so as to promote international cooperation and strive for an early victory over the epidemic.

The British government will spare no effort to ensure the health and safety of overseas Chinese in his country, he added.

Voicing opposition to politicizing the epidemic, Raab stressed that the British side totally agrees with China’s position that the origin of the virus is a scientific issue that requires scientific and professional opinions.

He also urged that all sides work together to overcome the hardship amid the epidemic.

Source: Xinhua


China launches new BeiDou navigation satellite


China launches a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, March 9, 2020, only one step away from completing the whole global system. The satellite, the 54th of the BeiDou family, was sent into a geostationary orbit as planned by a Long March-3B carrier rocket. The newly launched satellite is the second geostationary earth orbit satellite of the BDS-3 system, and the last one is expected to be launched in May. (Photo by Guo Wenbin/Xinhua)

XICHANG, March 9 (Xinhua) — China launched a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province at 7:55 p.m. Monday (Beijing Time), only one step away from completing the whole global system.

The satellite, the 54th of the BeiDou family, was sent into a geostationary orbit as planned by a Long March-3B carrier rocket.

China began to construct its navigation system, named after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper constellation, in the 1990s and started serving the Asia-Pacific Region in 2012. At present, all the first generation BDS-1 satellites have ended operations, and a total of 54 BDS-2 and BDS-3 satellites have been sent into space.

Compared with other navigation systems in the world, the design of the BDS constellation is unique, including medium earth orbit, inclined geosynchronous earth orbit and geostationary earth orbit satellites.

The BDS-3 system will consist of a total of 30 satellites, including 24 medium earth orbit satellites, three geostationary earth orbit satellites and three inclined geosynchronous earth orbit satellites.

The newly launched satellite is the second geostationary earth orbit satellite of the BDS-3 system, and the last one is expected to be launched in May.

The satellite and the carrier rocket were developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, respectively.

Space engineers have overcome difficulties during the novel coronavirus epidemic to ensure the success of the mission.

Monday’s launch was the 327th mission of the Long March rocket series.

The new satellite has the most functions and signals, the largest size and the longest designed life span among all the BDS-3 satellites, said Chen Zhonggui, chief designer of BDS-3 satellites from CAST.

The satellite is based on the Dongfanghong-3B platform, currently one of the largest satellite platforms being used in China, and can carry more fuels to ensure its long life, said Chen.

The satellite has integrated the functions of navigation and communication. The accuracy of dynamic positioning can reach the decimeter level, according to Liu Tianxiong, deputy chief designer of BDS-3 satellites.

It can provide services for the driverless vehicles, accurate berthing of ships, as well as takeoff and landing of airplanes. It will be widely used in the fields of communication, electric power, finance, mapping, transportation, fishery, agriculture and forestry.

The ability of short message communication has been improved 10 times on this satellite. Users can send a message of over 1,000 Chinese characters at one time as well as pictures via the satellite, quite useful in emergencies.

The satellite’s ability to receive signals has also been greatly improved, which could help miniaturize users’ terminals, said Pan Yuqian, one of the satellite’s designers.

China aims to complete the construction of the BDS constellation in May and provide high-precision, reliable positioning, navigation and timing services anywhere in the world.

Source: Xinhua


Chinese, Japanese FMs discuss fight against COVID-19 at Munich Security Conference


Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) meets with Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on the sidelines of the 56th Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, Feb. 15, 2020. (Xinhua/Shan Yuqi)

MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday met Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on the sidelines of the 56th Munich Security Conference, with both pledging mutual support in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19).

Wang thanked Japan for its understanding and support for China’s fight against COVID-19, noting that stories of many Japanese people extending a helping hand to China have been spreading on the Chinese Internet, from which the Chinese people have felt the friendship and warmth from Japan as a neighbor.

The mutual support between China and Japan in this fight against the epidemic fully reflects the tradition of mutual help among Eastern countries, Wang said, adding that he believes the friendship between the two peoples will be further deepened.

Wang said that with the joint efforts of China and all parties, he believes the epidemic will end soon. The Chinese economy has been affected by the epidemic, but efforts can be made to make up for the losses. China’s goals of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and winning the battle against poverty this year will certainly be achieved.

China is willing to continue to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with Japan in economy, trade, personnel exchanges and other aspects to jointly push bilateral strategic relations of mutual benefit to a new level, and bring more benefits to the two countries and peoples, Wang said.

For his part, Motegi said that China has made great efforts to control the spread of the virus, which Japan highly appreciates, and that he believes China will be able to overcome the epidemic at an early date.

Japan is willing to continue to fully support and help China, work closely with China to further deepen cooperation in various fields, and jointly prepare for important high-level exchanges between the two countries this year, so as to score new developments in Japan-China relations, said Motegi.

Source: Xinhua


China appreciates BRICS statement supporting epidemic fight: FM spokesperson

BEIJING, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) — China highly appreciates a BRICS chairmanship statement in support of China’s fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said Wednesday at an online press briefing.

Russia, holding this year’s chairmanship of the emerging-market bloc that groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, on Tuesday issued the statement representing the BRICS countries to support the “firm commitment and decisive efforts of the Chinese government” to combat the epidemic.

The statement also called for international cooperation and coordination within the World Health Organization framework to protect regional and global public health security, and underlined the importance of avoiding discrimination, stigmatization and overreaction while responding to the outbreak.

Calling other BRICS countries as important partners for China, Geng said this statement delivered positive and constructive messages, voiced support for China’s efforts and called for greater international cooperation in safeguarding public health security.

“This demonstrates the BRICS spirit of helping each other during difficult times. It also epitomizes the support China has received from the international community. We highly appreciate it,” he said.

“We will continue to work with the international community including the BRICS countries to combat the epidemic and safeguard regional and global public health security,” said the spokesperson.

Source: Xinhua

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