Archive for ‘flows’


China limits admission as outdoor tourist sites reopen

BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) — Chinese authorities have released a circular, only allowing outdoor tourist attractions to reopen amid the COVID-19 epidemic.

The tourist sites that resume operation should receive no more than 30 percent of their daily visitor capacity, according to the circular jointly released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Health Commission.

The reopened tourist attractions should take measures to prevent the number of visitors from exceeding the limit, said the circular, adding that indoor tourist sites should remain closed amid the epidemic.

The circular required tourist sites to encourage visitors to reserve visiting slots in advance to control visitor flows and prevent large gatherings of people.

While noting some tourist attractions have seen large crowds of tourists after resuming operation, which increased the risk of virus transmission, the circular demanded temperature checking at the entrance of tourist sites and major scenic spots.

Source: Xinhua


Shock after alcohol flows from kitchen taps in Kerala

Brown liquor gushing out of a hoseImage copyright JOSHY MALIYEKKAL
Image caption Drinking water reeking of alcohol started flowing out of the apartment taps

Residents of an apartment building in southern India were left in shock after a mix of beer, brandy and rum started gushing out of their taps.

The smelly, brown liquid began flowing from kitchen taps in the block of flats, in Kerala, on Monday morning.

Bemused residents then contacted the authorities for help, and discovered their water well had been contaminated by officials – albeit accidentally.

It emerged 6,000 litres of confiscated alcohol had been buried nearby.

The alcohol, which officials had placed in a pit after it was seized on court orders, had seeped through the soil and into a well – the same well which supplied the residents of the 18 flats in Thrissur district with drinking water.

“We were so shocked,” Joshy Malyiekkal, owner of the apartment complex, told BBC Hindi’s Imran Qureshi.

Luckily, the strong smell put people off consuming the water. However, the discovery meant there was not only no drinking water for the families, but they were also unable to wash.

“The children couldn’t go to school and even their parents couldn’t go to work,” Mr Malyiekkal said.

The contaminated water from the well being pumped outImage copyright JOSHY MALIYEKKAL
Image caption The contaminated water from the well being pumped out

After residents complained, officials acted to rectify the mistake.

But the process of pumping the well clean is likely to take a month, according to residents, leaving them reliant on deliveries from authorities.

“They’ve been supplying about 5,000 litres of water daily but it is not enough to cover all the families in our building,” Mr Malyiekkal said, pointing out the well was their main source of water.

Officials from the department did not respond to questions from the BBC.

The state of Kerala has the highest consumption of alcohol in the country.

Source: The BBC
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