Archive for ‘quarantine centres’


India coronavirus: Why is India reopening amid a spike in cases?

A rush of people and motorists in a marketplace area as shops start opening in the city under specific guidelines, on May 20, 2020 in Jammu, IndiaImage copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption Within a week of reopening, India has seen a sharp spike in cases

India is roaring – rather than inching – back to life amid a record spike in Covid-19 infections. The BBC’s Aparna Alluri finds out why.

On Saturday, India’s government announced plans to end a national lockdown that began on 25 March.

This was expected – the roads, and even the skies, have been busy for the last 10 days since restrictions started to ease for the first time in two months. Many businesses and workplaces are already open, construction has re-started, markets are crowded and parks are filling up. Soon, hotels, restaurants, malls, places of worship, schools and colleges will also reopen.

But the pandemic continues to rage. When India went into lockdown, it had reported 519 confirmed cases and 10 deaths. Now, its case tally has crossed 173,000, with 4,971 deaths. It added nearly 8,000 new cases on Saturday alone – the latest in a slew of record single-day spikes.

A worker cleans the mascot of fast-food company McDonald's for the reopening of the outlet in Hyderabad on May 20.Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption Fast food chains like McDonald’s have begun reopening outlets in parts of India.

So, why the rush to reopen?

The lockdown is simply unaffordable

“It’s certainly time to lift the lockdown,” says Gautam Menon, a professor and researcher on models of infectious diseases.

“Beyond a point, it’s hard to sustain a lockdown that has gone on for so long – economically, socially and psychologically.”

From day one, India’s lockdown came at a huge cost, especially since so many of its people live on a daily wage or close to it. It put food supply chains at risk, cost millions their livelihood, and throttled every kind of business – from car manufacturers to high-end fashion to the corner shop selling tobacco. As the economy sputtered and unemployment rose, India’s growth forecast tumbled to a 30-year-low.

Raghuram Rajan, an economist and former central bank governor, said at the end of April that the country needed to open up quickly, and any further lockdowns would be “devastating”.

The opinion is shared by global consultant Mckinsey, whose report from earlier this month said India’s economy must be “managed alongside persistent infection risks”.

Passengers maintaining social distance as they are on board in a DTC Bus after government eased lockdown restriction, at AIIMS on May 20, 2020 in New Delhi, India.Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption As restrictions ease, Indians are slowly getting used to the new normal

“The original purpose of the lockdowns was to delay the spike so we can put health services and systems in place, so we are able handle the spike [when it comes],” says Dr N Devadasan, a public health expert. “That objective, to a large extent, has been met.”

In the last two months, India has turned stadia, schools and even train coaches into quarantine centres, added and expanded Covid-19 wards in hospitals, and ramped up testing as well as production of protective gear. While grave challenges remain and shortages persist, the consensus seems to be that the government has bought as much time as possible.

“We have used the lockdown period to prepare ourselves… Now is the time to revive the economy,” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said last week.

The silver lining

For weeks, India’s relatively low Covid-19 numbers baffled experts everywhere. Despite the dense population, disease burden and underfunded public hospitals, there was no deluge of infections or fatalities. Low testing rates explain the former, but not the latter.

In fact, India made global headlines not for its caseload but for its botched handling of the lockdown – millions of informal workers, largely migrants, were left jobless overnight. Scared and unsure, many tried to return home, often desperate enough to walk, cycle or hitchhike across hundreds of kilometres.

Perhaps the choice – between a virus that didn’t appear to be wreaking havoc yet, and a lockdown that certainly was – seemed obvious to the government.

But that is changing quickly as cases shoot up. “I suspect we will keep finding more and more cases, but they will mostly be asymptomatic or will have mild symptoms,” Dr Devadasan says.

The hope – which is also encouraging the government to reopen – is that most of India’s undetected infections are not severe enough to require hospitalisation. And so far, except in Mumbai city, there has been no dearth of hospital beds.

India’s Covid-19 data is spotty and sparse, but what it does have suggests that it hasn’t been as badly hit by the virus as some other countries.

The government, for instance, has been touting India’s mortality rate as a silver lining – at nearly 3%, it’s among the lowest in the world.

But some are unconvinced by that. Dr Jacob John, a prominent virologist, says India has never had, and still doesn’t have, a robust system for recording deaths – in his view, the government is certainly missing Covid-19 deaths because they have no way of knowing of every fatality.

A woman jogs at Lodhi Garden after the local government eased restrictions imposed as a preventive measure against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in New Delhi on May 21, 2020.Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption Indians are venturing out again but it’s unclear how many of them are asymptomatic.

And, he says, “what we must aim for is flattening the mortality curve, not necessarily the epidemic curve”.

Dr John, like several other experts, also predicts a peak in July or August, and believes the country is reopening so quickly because the “government realised the futility of such leaky lockdowns”.

A shift in strategy

So is the government gearing up for another lockdown when the peak comes?

While Dr Menon believes the lockdown was well-timed, he says it was too focused on cases coming from abroad.

“There was a hope that by controlling that, we could prevent epidemic spread, but how effective was our screening [at airports]?”

Now, he adds, is the time for “localised lockdowns”.

Media caption Coronavirus: Death and despair for migrants on Indian roads

The federal government has left it to states to decide where, how and to what extent to lift the lockdown as the virus’ progression varies wildly across India.

Maharashtra alone accounts for more than a third of India’s active cases. Add Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Delhi, and that makes up 67% of the national total.

But other states – such as Bihar – are already seeing a sharp uptick as migrant workers return home.

“Initially, most of your cases were in the cities,” Dr Devadasan says. “But we kept the migrant workers in cities and didn’t allow them to go home. Now, we are sending them back. We have facilitated transporting the virus from urban areas to rural areas.”

While the government has said how many infections have been avoided – up to 300,000 – and lives saved – up to 71,000 – by the lockdown, there is no indication of what lies ahead.

There is only advice: The day the government began to ease restrictions, Mr Kejriwal tweeted, urging people to “follow discipline and control the coronavirus disease” as it was their “responsibility”.

The famous Paranthe wali gali (bylane of fried bread) in Chandni Chowk, on August 20, 2014 in New Delhi, India.Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption Social distancing will prove to be India’s biggest post-lockdown challenge

Because the alternative – of curfews and constant policing – is unsustainable.

“My worry is more the circumstances of people – it’s not as though they have an option to practise social distancing,” Dr Menon says.

And they don’t – not in joint family homes or one-room hovels packed together in slums, not in crowded markets or busy streets where jostling is second nature, or in temples, mosques, weddings or religious processions where more is always merrier.

The overwhelming message is that the virus is here to stay, and we have to learn to live with it – and the only way to do that, it appears, is to let people live with it.

Source: The BBC


India coronavirus lockdown: Train leaves with stranded migrants

Two workers share a meal aboard the first train carrying migrant workers to their stateImage copyright ANI
Image caption Millions of people across India have been stranded by the lockdown

The first train carrying migrant workers stranded by a nationwide lockdown in India has left the southern state of Telangana.

The 24-coach train, carrying 1,200 passengers, is travelling non-stop to eastern Jharkhand state.

Earlier this week, India said millions of people stranded by the lockdown can return to their home states.

The country has been in lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus since 24 March.

However, the movement of people will be only possible through state government facilitation, which means people cannot attempt to cross state borders on their own.

This train is a “one-off special train” to transport the workers on the request of the Telangana state government, Rakesh Ch, the chief public relations officer of South-Central Railways, told the BBC.

The train left Lingampally, a suburb of the southern city of Hyderabad, early on Friday and is expected to reach Hatia in Jharkhand on Saturday.

Mr Rakesh said that adequate social distancing precautions had been taken and food was being served to the passengers.

Workers on board the special train carrying 1,200 passengers to eastern Jharkhand stateImage copyright ANI
Image caption Railways officials said that adequate social distancing precautions had been taken and food was being served to the passengers.

He said each carriage was carrying 54 passengers instead of its 72-seat capacity.

“The middle berth is not being used in the sleeper coaches and only two people are sitting in the general coaches,” Mr Rakesh said.

Before the train pulled out of the station, all the passengers were screened for fever and other symptoms.

They had all been employed at a construction site at the Indian Institute of Technology, a top engineering school, in Hyderabad city.

The workers had earlier protested at the site against the non-payment of wages by their contractor.

Senior official M Hanumantha Rao said the contractor was asked to pay their salaries and arrangement made to send them back home.

The journey was organised at “very short notice”, senior police official S Chandra Shekar Reddy told BBC Telugu.

“We screened them at the labour camp itself and transported them to the railway station in buses,” he said.

India’s migrant workers are the backbone of the big city economy, constructing houses, cooking food, serving in eateries, delivering takeaways, cutting hair in salons, making automobiles, plumbing toilets and delivering newspapers, among other things.

Migrant workers wait to board the first train carrying 1,200 passengers to eastern Jharkhand state.Image copyright ANI
Image caption Before the train pulled out of the station, all the passengers were screened for fever and other symptoms.

Most of the country’s estimated 100 million migrant workers live in squalid conditions.

When industries shut down overnight, many of them feared they would starve.

For days, they walked – sometimes hundreds of kilometres – to reach their villages because bus and train services were shut down overnight. Several died trying to make the journey.

Some state governments tried to facilitate buses, but these were quickly overrun. Thousands of others have been placed in quarantine centres and relief camps.

Source: The BBC


Tablighi Jamaat: Delhi Nizamuddin event sparks massive search for Covid-19 cases

Hundreds have been leaving the mosque to be monitored or tested for the virusImage copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption Hundreds have been leaving the mosque to be monitored or tested for the virus

Officials across India are searching for hundreds of people who attended a religious event in the capital that has set off several Covid-19 clusters.

At least six regions have reported cases that can be directly traced to the days-long congregation at a mosque.

Delhi officials are now clearing the building, where more than 1,000 people have been stranded since the government imposed a lockdown last week.

At least 24 have tested positive so far, the state health minister said.

They are among some 300 people who showed symptoms and have been moved to various hospital to be tested, he told the media. Another 700 have been shifted into quarantine centres, he added.

It is believed that the infections were caused by preachers who attended the event from Indonesia.

State officials have called for action to be taken against mosque officials, but they have denied any wrongdoing.

Local media reports say that Nizamuddin – the locality where the mosque is located – has been cordoned off and more than 35 buses carrying people to hospitals or quarantine centres.

The congregation – part of a 20th Century Islamic movement called Tablighi Jamaat – began at the end of February, but some of the main events were held in early March.

It’s unclear if the event was ticketed or even if the organisers maintained a roster of visitors as people attended the event throughout, with some staying on and others leaving. Even overseas visitors, some of them preachers, travelled to other parts of the country where they stayed in local mosques and met people.

A man (in yellow) dressed in protective gear drives a special service bus taking people to a quarantine facility amid concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Nizamuddin area of New Delhi on March 31, 2020Image copyright GETTY IMAGES

So officials have no easy way of finding out how many people attended the event or where they went. But they have already begun to trace and test.

The southern state of Telangana reported on Sunday night that six people who had attended the event died from the virus. The state’s medical officer told the BBC that more than 40 of Telangana’s 71 cases were either directly or indirectly linked to the event.

Indian-administered Kashmir reported its first death from the virus last week – a 65-year-old who had been in Delhi for the congregation. Officials told BBC Urdu that more than 40 of the region’s 48 cases could be traced back to that one patient.

A cluster has even appeared in the distant Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where six of the nine who have tested positive, had returned from the Delhi event.

The southern states of Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have said more than 3,000 people from their states had attended the event, and Tamil Nadu has traced 16 positive patients to it.

States have also asked other people who attended to come forward for testing.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has asked for a police complaint to be registered against the head of the mosque.

However, the event’s organisers have issued a statement, saying they had suspended the event and asked everyone to leave as soon as Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that there would be a day-long national curfew on 22 March.

While many were able to leave, they say, others were stranded because states began to seal their borders the following day, and two days later, India imposed a 21-day lockdown, suspending buses and trains.

The mosque’s premises include dormitories that can house hundreds of people.

The organisers say they informed the local police about all of this and continued to cooperate with medical officers who came to inspect the premises.

The mosque, the statement says, “never violated any provision of law, and always tried to act with compassion and reason towards the visitors who came to Delhi from different states. It did not let them violate the medical guidelines by thronging ISBTs (bus stops) or roaming on streets.”

This is not the first time religious congregations have been blamed for the spread of coronavirus.

Tablighi Jamaat events have also been blamed for spreading cases in Indonesia and Malaysia.

And in South Korea, many positive cases were linked to the Schincheonji church, a secretive religious sect, that has since apologised for its role in the outbreak.

Source: The BBC

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